We'll walk you through the corporate philosophy behind returnzero's logo and how to spell it correctly.
CI image kit.
returnzero CI refers to the virtuous circle of data, models, and services that build upon each other, as well as the moment when a computer program successfully achieves its purpose and returns.
The default type is the best representation of a return zero, and is represented using a combination of symbol and text types.
English is written in lowercase letters using a sans-serif font with no spaces. Keep the letter spacing 1/2 the width of the vertical division.
The national language is also written without spaces and uses a gothic font. We recommend a 1:1 ratio of letter spacing to the width of the columns.
Use symbols and text together in a horizontal format:
Symbols and text are spaced twice the width of the vertical block.
Prohibits capitalizing the first letter only.
Prohibits the use of space.
English is a sans serif language, which prohibits the use of
any other font besides Gothic.
Return Zero Inc. CEO: Lee Chamsol Data Protection Officer: Hyunjong Lee Address: 8th Floor, Sindeok Building, 343 Gangnam-daero, Seocho-dong, Seocho-gu, Seoul, South Korea
Business Registration Number: 436-87-01005 Phone Number: 02-555-1271 Internet Sales Registration Number: 2020-Seoul Gangnam-01933 Inquiries and Contact: contact@rtzr.ai
© returnzero Inc.