The Future of Next-Generation
Speech AI -
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returnzero's AI services
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Experience the most accurate and fastest speech recognition in Korea
A versatile voice AI, RTZR STT excels across diverse applications—from finance and call centers to mobile apps and video processing. Supporting both Cloud and On-premise deployments, it stands as Korea's most popular speech recognition engine.
1. 20% faster conversion speed compared to competitors with the most powerful E2E model.
2. Per-second prices from 1.5 times to 3 times lower than competitors. Save your budget.
The new standard in AI speech recognition
Precision in speech recognition is essential. RTZR STT delivers unparalleled Korean and Japanese speech recognition tailored for business needs.
What the difference?
Unparalleled Voice Data
The voice data—sourced from our call transcription app VITO with 1 million users—totals 15 million hours. This is equivalent to 1712 years, making it the largest dataset in the country.
Operates in Any Environment
Cloud? On-Premise? No issue. RTZR STT functions in any setting, with optimal performance guaranteed.
Ready for Immediate Deployment
Chosen as the most reliable speech recognition technology by Korea's top financial group.
Easy-to-Use API
Integrate our API easily with just a few lines of code. Experience real-time and batch speech recognition at no extra cost.
An AI assistant that automatically records and analyzes all meetings.
Turn disappearing meeting content into data assets.
With Callabo, video and text from online meetings like Google Meet and Zoom are automatically recorded and summarized. You can check and share voices and even an atmosphere of meetings you missed. This will help you can your team commiunicate clearly.
Read your calls - every call converted into text, VITO
Read and search your calls like text messages - VITO has more than 1 million users
This app will convert all calls into text, allowing you to read and search like text messages. This will completely transform the experience of all calls, from everyday life to business calls in various professions.
Create Shorts in just 3 clicks - AICO
AI Short-Form video tool for creators! Just insert a link and complete your Shorts
Boost your YouTube channel with a single click. Quickly create multiple Shorts through AICO. GPT-4 automatically finds the most interesting parts of the video, adds subtitles, and edits them.